Akortsaha Nathaniel Oryiman, SDB
The teachings of Vatican II on Mary are contained in chapter VIII of the document on the Church Lumen Gentium, 1964. In fact, it is said that a lot of discussions preceded the right portion and for Mary, and the fathers unanimously settled for the title OUR LADY and it is considered one of the most authentic and authoritative teachings regarding the Blessed Virgin.
Be that as it may, this chapter highlights four essential elements ranging from the Introduction whereby, the position of Mary in the mystery of salvation is emphasised. In this scene, Mary performs a very distinct and exclusive role in the plan of Salvation. Similarly, though Mary is unique and distinct as the mother of God and of the redeemer, she belongs to the human race – the race of Adam which needs to be saved. In this regard, “she is clearly, the mother of the members of Christ due to the fact that in her charity she contributed in bringing about the birth of believers in the church.”
In the second section, the emphasis is on the function of Mary in the Plan of Salvation. In this scenario, a reflection on the Old Testament traditions points towards the figure of a woman who is revealed as the mother of the redeemer whereby she assumed this role by virtue of her assent – this serves as a preparatory process in the Salvation history. In fact, her role commenced from the moment of her conception and made manifest in Christ’s virginal conception, Hidden life as well as Public ministry up to his death. For this reason, her Son declared her blessed by bringing in the image of those who are faithful in keeping God’s word as she did.
Furthermore, Our Lady is presented as performing an ongoing role in the life of the Church. In this part, the unique redemptive role of Christ as the mediator between God and man is exclusively emphasised. Here the maternal function of Mary in cooperating with God for salvation of man is emphatically pointed out, yet her maternal role does not in any way, diminish the tie and union between Christ and his faithful rather fosters this immediate union. The motherhood of Mary continues in the order of grace to bring us the gifts of eternal salvation through her intercessions. The church in awareness invokes the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Advocate, Benefactress and mediatrix of grace. The church’s alignment with the Blessed Virgin flows from the gift and role of her divine motherhood by which she is united with her Son. The church by contemplating the hidden sanctity, imitating her charity and faithfully carrying out God’s will, by receiving God’s word in this way becomes herself a Mother. By preaching and baptism the Church brings fort Sons who are conceived of the Holy Spirit and born by God, to a new and immortal life.
In summary, the teachings of Vatican II on the figure of Mary are codified in the following characteristics; she is mother of members of Christ’s body by the fact that in her charitable character which made her endowed with the fullness of grace, brought about the birth of believers; she consent to freely to the motherhood where she conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit as Mother of God; there is a unique mediation of Christ as well as the maternal function of Mary in the plan of salvation; she is associated with Christ in the work of redemption.
REFLECTION: Mary occupies a prime place in the Church’s faith. Prior to the teachings of Vatican II on Mary, series of dogmas had already been made that put into consideration the fundamental function she plays in the mystery of salvation. As the new Eve who brought life in her cooperation with the Divine will, Mary is Immaculate from conception; she is the Mother of God, she is the Mediatrix of grace, she is the Help of Christians and so on. Her uniqueness is extended in her union with Son to the Church. The Maternal role of Mary in the mystery of salvation is likewise extended to the church in that, by contemplating and imitating her examples, the motherhood of the church is manifested. Finally, the role of the Blessed Virgin in the mystery of redemption enfolds from Christological and soteriological dimensions of the mystery of redemption wrought by Jesus Christ, who assumed the human body in the womb of Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is a wonderful summary from Nathaniel. Thank you very much, Br! The point is exact and undisputable that Mary holds an important role in our life as human beings and as Christians. The Word became flesh in the womb of this woman who because of her “amen” salvation is brought to us. Thank you Mary and you are indeed the Theotokos and not only the Mother of God, but also the mother of we human beings (man). You are the Anthropotokos. Dear Mary our Theotokos and Anthropotokos, as a mother remains a mother even when the child misbehaves, continue to direct us and assist us today in our society to recognize in your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ the true God, the Truth and the Life. Amen. I join St Irenaeus to say that Mary being obedient, became the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race.