The Magnificat (Lk 1: 46-55)
by Macarius Mpundu
The magnificat comes in gospel account of Luke after the discourse of Elizabeth and prior to this summary is indeed that explanation by Peter Kariuki about the Annunciation and the visitation. Therefore, I am going to take up from whence Peter left.
It is worth noting that according to Luke, Mary is best known for the title of ‘Mother of Jesus.’ Mary is explicitly distinguished from the other believing women thus, actually this exegesis allude to the prominence of the figure of Mary in the writings of St Luke. With these assertions therefore, I delve into explanation of the Magnificat (Lk 1: 46-55) as a canticle of exultation of God by Mary.
“For the moment your greeting reached my ears, the child in my womb leapt for joy. Yes, blessed is she who believed that the promise made her by the Lord would be fulfilled,” Lk 1:44-45. And Mary said: “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord and my spirit exults in God my savior...”
About the canticle, Pope Benedict XVI in the encyclical Deus Caritas Est says that the magnificat is a portrait as it were of the soul of Mary.” The canticle reveals the spiritual disposition characteristics of the poor of YHWH; the anawim and the pious of Israel. It is a song of Joy and praise over the acts of God in the salvation history which now in fullness of time find their definitive realisation. The praises witness to God being as a merciful, powerful, holy and faithful, and the solidarity with his people in the realisation of the promises made to Abraham.
In the canticle the Virgin Mary glorifies the Lord for the works of mercy and power accomplished in her, the poor and the lowly for the people of Israel. The three parts are a composition of the canticle per excellence in the New Testament.
The sentiments of praise and thanks, are actually themes drawn from the Old Testament. The magnificat themes involve a mosaic biblical texts, the canticle of Hannah, the mother of Samuel (1 Sam 2: 1ff) and from the Psalms.
Mary proclaims the greatness of God, who reveals himself as all powerful through the mystery of her virginal conception, vs 38 ... for nothing is impossible to God.” With joy in her heart Mary calls God her Savior, she forms part of the anawim of YHWH by testifying that the Lord has looked upon her poverty- tapeinosis.
Conclusively, the final verses (54-55) are oriented towards the history of Israel as a whole and points out that YHWH is faithful to the covenant, he has finally fulfilled the promise of salvation by sending the Savior according to the promise he made to our ancestors; of his mercy to Abraham and to his descendants for ever.
The MAGNIFICAT is a song of praise and gratitude. Luke presnts this poem nicely and it is indeed a reminder to us of God mysterious way of working among his people. In that song Mary is simply saying LET GOD BE GOD since his plans are not ours. Thanks Marcalius for this wonderful work.